Bau Nyale

Pesta rakyat bau nyale merupakan pesta tahunan yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat lombok terutama daerah lombok bagian selatan yang mulai dari pantai selatan kaliantan lombok timur sampai panti kute lombok tengah. Kegiatan ini diyakini penduduk setempat atau asli lombok bahwa nyale atau cacing laut yang muncul tiap tahun pada bulan februari, kegiatan  ini dianggap keramat atau sakral oleh masyarakat lombok. kemunculan nyale atau cacing laut ini banyak memancing daya tarik wisatawan mancanegara dan domestik dikarnakan adanya rangkaian kegiatan pentas budaya rakyat seperti prisean, cilokaq, gendang beleq, lelakaq, dan lain sebagainya ada pada waktu pesta itu.

On 12 to 13 February 2012, the island of Lombok will once again celebrate the age-old tradition of Bau Nyale or catching the Sea Worms Festival. This year, the festival will be centered either at Seger Beach or Aan beach, awaiting final confirmation. Exact dates are decided by a meeting of the council of traditional community leaders and keepers of the four cardinal directions, that this year was held at the county of Pujut, Central Lombok district, on 7 January 2012.
The festival will not only involve the local Sasak communities of Lombok, but also local government officials, tourists and observers who are welcome to join in the celebrations.
Held annually on the 20th day of the 10th month on the traditional Sasak Calendar, this year the festival will be highlighted with various traditional competitions such as bekayaq, cilokaq, peresean, begambus, berbalas pantun (traditional rhyme dueling competition), and boat rowing competition.  As a grand event for the people of Lombok, the Bau Nyale festival also presents various art performances, such as: the Wayang Kulit (Leather puppets Show), and the theatrical play on the legend of the Nyale Princess.

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